swimming in the mall

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

the best place to remember and find myself is in the middle of a bustling mall
where the sidebench can be my armchair

and the pleasant scurryings of the shoppers-by
can be my rhythm and also my tide to swim against


it requires energy to swim against the current [of mental noise]

just as it takes energy to dive into your craft and find the place where
stroke after stroke, you and the activity flow together as one

and you no longer exist aside from the conscious being watching words appear,
watching lengths unfold


i’m swimming again, in the world’s sea, moving and remaining still

every blank page, every still mile of water is full of exactly the lifesource i need


i hope it’s clear that engaging here is as necessary to my survival as breathing

and in fact, i’ve already lost myself, blown off steam, given away my troubles, taken as many deep breaths as a yoga class could provide

i kind of can’t believe how easy it was to arrive here


the drive and requirement to be the best that i can be in turn requires that i pull away to rejuvenate, however selfish that may seem

i can rise to the occasion as required
and i believe i have it all in me
but i do not want to feel inadequate
for not rising to an occasion
that does not [currently] exist for me.

Coming home

blur coffee cold cup
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

The view outside is so clear now that we’ve cleaned the windows.

The silence this spare room offers at late hours despite the near-constant sound of tires gripping road, engines conbusting outside, is like the sanctuary of my consciousness despite the constant traffic in my mind.


I feel like who we really are cannot be suppressed, even if the environment and circumstances change. Here I am, years later, sitting at the windowsill, writing in this journal and looking out, and in.

I think I’ll always find my windowsill no matter where I go.

May there be many more quiet nights like these.