second generation

person holding clear glass ball
Photo by Nizam Abdul Latheef on

i can hold my own in a conversation not in my language
because i’ve learnt it, piecemeal, in response to demand

but wait – it could have been my language all along, right
and the fact that it isn’t
is the fault of experiences that even with good reason,
just don’t seem to quite line up

it’s amazing how wrong you can feel
about your life that is supposedly so right
and how you are a different person in each of your circles
so that no one will know the many ways in which you don’t fit in

it’s both maddening and heartbreaking to know
that you’ll never be good enough
for the people you supposedly resemble the most

humanity (one)

painted face of person portrait photo
Photo by Aneesh Ans on

people who blame us for the way that they feel
are the ones who need our help the most

and even though it is so, so difficult
when treated with contempt by said people,
to keep our emotions level
and to not balk, stagger, or cry

and to not let ourselves feel like absolute shit

we really need to try

because that’s the only way
to move humanity forward.